Breaking into a new career can be an exciting — and sometimes intimidating — decision. But getting started doesn't need to be difficult. American Safety Council provides a wide variety of online pre-licensing courses that provide the skills and knowledge you need to set yourself up for long-term success.

If holding public office interests you, becoming a notary public or certified notary signing agent has never been so fast or simple. We can walk you through the process of completing the required training and applying with the state.

We can also help you enter the hair and beauty industry. We train students to become barbers or cosmetologists, and we offer continuing education for hair braiders, facial specialists, nail technicians, hair wrappers and other cosmetologists. Other potential fields we can assist you with entering include health or life insurance sales.


Become a Notary, Renew Your
Commission or Buy Supplies


Pre-Licensing and Renewal
for Cosmetologists


Pre-Licensing and Renewal
for Barbers


Pre-Licensing for the Life and
Health Insurance Industries

National Brands Divider
Notary of America

Notary of America provides everything you need to get your notary commission online.