Florida Traffic School Online
Florida traffic school is the only way to dismiss the points received from a Florida traffic ticket. There are several reasons you may want to take traffic school and here you will find the best course that suits your needs. Each course is 100% online and approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles!

4-Hour Basic Driver Improvement Traffic School (BDI)
For most drivers this is the course to take. BDI traffic school is 4 hours long and will meet your traffic ticket dismissal requirement. The benefits of taking the online 4-hour basic driver improvement traffic school are:
- Traffic ticket point removal
- No insurance premium increases
- Fulfills a court order
- Lets you keep your license if you were convicted or pled no contest to running a red light or stop sign, reckless driving, racing, or failing to stop for a school bus.

8-Hour Intermediate Driver Improvement Traffic School
You may need what's commonly referred to as "judge ordered" traffic school if a court or judge has ordered you to take the course. This course is 8-hours long and entirely online.
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12-Hour Advanced Driver Improvement Traffic School (ADI)
The advanced driver improvement course, or ADI, is required to get your license back if you had your driver's license suspended or revoked, or need to take advanced driver improvement as the result of a court order. Upon enrollment, you have the option of getting an enrollment verification letter which allows you to get a hardship license right away.
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